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Monday, December 12, 2016

Trolling Part II

While reading the article, "What Happened When I Confronted My Cruelest Troll" by Lindy West, I went through so many negative emotions. I just find it so unarguably inconsiderate and cruel how people can actually do this sort of stuff just for sport. Again- trolling has a limit and there's a certain point where trolling isn't trolling anymore, but becomes cyber bullying. What Lindy West experienced due to the man that pretended to be her dead father was terrible. It really disgusts me that there are people like this out there and it horrifies me as well. It's stories of experiences like these that make me terrified of opening my mouth to express my opinion about something or even just typing it out on some comment section etc. The worst part is that I happen to be a lot of things that would make for a good trolling target - I'm a woman, I'm Hispanic and I also am openly gay. I've been lucky enough so far to not have to come across a troll but I've seen what can happen because of them and most of the time they aren't so severe as what we're reading about with Zelda Williams and Lindy West. These women may have been trolled, however, they were also cyberbullied. Just reading West's article got me all worked up because how can people say such hurtful things and be so constant with it to the point where the victim isn't even surprised to receive such negativity? There's honestly no need to go to such an extent to show disapproval or a disagreement with someone else's views. It's not necessary to put others down because they want to speak their mind on a certain topic. Trolls are honestly just little pests that try to irk people but I seriously doubt that internet trolls can be considered as such if they are doing things like what "trolls" did to the two previously mentioned women.

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