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Friday, December 16, 2016

Spread Love Online

Whenever I'm on the Internet, I sometimes like to look through the comment sections on Instagram. What's surprising is that the comments are split up like the nice and rude comments are equal. But I really like reading the nice ones because it's usually encouraging things to whoever made the post and I know that it means a lot to whoever made the post. For example, my friend Bella is very well known on Instagram for her make up and music she makes. She tells me that every time she gets nice comments on Instagram it makes her day because it's usually when she's not feeling good at the time, so reading them makes her feel better and she's more optimistic about her music. It's better to be nice online and spread loving and encouraging things instead of nasty, hateful things.


  1. I agree with you! :) Why hate? Being positive is so much easier and nicer. It makes me feel good and accomplished in a way when I'm nice to someone or give them compliments. Being negative must take up much more energy and effort than just being nice.

  2. I honestly try to stay away from the comment section on social media sites because I don't want to read any of the negative stuff. I feel as if most comments people post are negative and it makes me really sad. Why do people feel the need to bring other people down all the time? I just don't get it.

  3. It is very confusing as to why people decide to go and comment negative things on some people's posts. For example, I once posted a LGBT supporting picture and I got some hate for it in the comments section. However, isn't it just easier to not double tap and simply keep scrolling away? I mean, I'm all for freedom of speech, but at the same time, one can simply just disregard it. So that's happened before, but I also have experienced positive comments from people online before and like your friend Bella said, they really do make my day.


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