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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Wasting Food 3

To be honest, I already knew the world hates at least some of the food it always has. However, I did not expect the numbers to be so big and the fact that the United States wastes the most food, really caught me off guard, even though it should not have. Writing and reading about the topic of my essay, wasting food, was incredibly eye opening and it made me aware of my actions as I ate any meal or went food shopping. I am definitely more conscious about my eating habits and I try not to waste anything unless it absolutely can't be eaten or I am too full, hours it's rarely the latter as I also am aware of people around the world who are starving. Maybe me doing this will do nothing at all but I feel if a lot more people were to be more conscious of their actions when it comes to wasting food, we would see a decrease.  All in all, the act of working this paper and there's process of it as well helped me try to better my actions and habits.


  1. Good for you, since it might rub off on people and decrease the amount of food waste in the United States. I am not surprised that the United States wastes so much food, because the industry encourages people to just buy more, even if they do not need it, which is what many Americans do impulsively.

  2. Food wast is so terrible considering that there are millions of people who do not have a single meal every day and tend to die of hunger.


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