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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

growing up

Recently a lot of things have been happening that are making me realize actually how much I've grown. My 17th birthday just passed, I turned in all of my college applications, and I'm learning how to drive! It's insane how time flies and that in 211 days, our time at Mayfair will come to an end. Everything we all knew and everything that we've grown so accustomed to will be stripped from us. We're going to have to grow accustomed to our new lives after high school and it's honestly scary to think about. The people we're so used to seeing every single day aren't going to be apart of our day to day lives anymore! My question to you is, have you done anything recently that has made you realize how much you've grown as a person? Has the realization that your growing up hit you yet?


  1. I realized that I was growing up when I started college applications. I remember back when I was a freshman, I thought we had so much time. But now that we're seniors, we're running out of time. I suddenly had the realization that this is our last year. I won't deny that I'm still in denial (^_^") but it is dawning on me that we're almost out of here.

  2. Hey Crystal! To answer your question I think realization hit me on the fact the I was growing up once I figured out that I was now a senior in high school. When I had realized I was now a senior I wasn't expecting that this feeling would come so soon. Just thinking about college made me also finally see how we are eventually going to step into the adult world or "the real world," where we would have to deal with situations that aren't as small as like what I should wear this morning to school. Becoming an adult is a huge step, but I can assure you that we'll all definitely be just fine. I wish the best of luck on your future endeavors and keep pursuing what you love to do! :)

    1. THANKS JEN I LOVE YOU. I know you'll do great things in the future. I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to get to know you these past couple of years.


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