read everything you can get your hands on

Saturday, November 26, 2016
Your Way
I go on Twitter almost everyday. I simply scroll through my timeline just to see what's new and to find videos that make me laugh. Many people, like myself, constantly tweet how happy they are in their life or how that video of the little kid dancing made their day. I think social media brings joy to users. I know when I am feeling down, I can go to my likes on Twitter and find that thread of hilarious vines and just watch them until I feel better, however, it's social media. It's not always fun and games and laughs and positivity. There has been some serious anger and craziness take place. But when I see someone tweet "I don't understand how _______" or "I don't get how this person can do this or that" I can't help but think to myself how YOU DONT NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE REASON SOMEONE DOES SOMETHING IF IT DOESNT INVOLVE YOU. They are not wrong for living their lives the way they want to even if their morals are completely different from yours. To get into it more specially, a while back I remember a girl discussing how she didn't understand how girls can hook up with multiple guys. A guy responded to her and told her that every woman is entitled to their own body and she didn't need to understand what she did with her body. I don't think I'll ever forget that. I'm not going lie, I used to ask myself why would someone want to do something and seeing that opened my eyes into trying not judge people and not caring what others did with their own lives because it had nothing to do with me. Now, this doesn't mean either that when I do come across people who declare they don't understand, I don't judge them and think they're narrow minded. They probably just have not taken into consideration the circumstances.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Seniors Relax
Yeah I know it's senior year. Wow we have come so far and all that other stuff. Now that we are trying to apply to college everybody is getting tense and stressed and I am here to say stop. Take a deep breath. So what if a certain college doesn't accept you. That will be there loss. Just relax, everything will fall into place sooner or later. We are now technically on Thanksgiving break so enjoy it after all we are still just in high school. Everyone procrastinates. Your just like every other senior in high school all across the country right now. Relax, we got this.
Life, just life man
It's that time of the year. We all saw it coming, but we didn't expect it to come so soon. Our parents went through it, our siblings, older friends, and now its our turn. The stress sinks in and the anxiety hits. I start to question my worth and constantly wonder whether I'm good enough to be accepted. It's awkward when you're put on the spot with constant questions such as ,"What college are you planning on attending?" or, "What are you majoring in?". While others have a solid answer, I'm put in an awkward position with my usual answer as, "I don't know man." When you're applying, millions of questions start to fly in. Is this worth it? What if i'm making a mistake? What if I don't get in? Do I really want to major in this? Should I just do nails? It's frighting when you're choosing your majors because my dreams have always varied from being a doctor, a psychiatrists, a high school teacher, to dentist, and so fourth. I'm constantly comparing myself to others because my competitors are AP scholars, with a 4.0 gpa, and a nearly perfect SAT scores. However, I want money and food so getting an education sounds like a good idea. What about you guys? What do you guys want to do? Do you guys feel the same way about college? Any advice and tips?
If you have a plan, what is it?
Even though I do not have any unanswered college or career questions that apply to me personally, since I already know what major I will have, what college I will go to, and have seen my older brother go through college, I still have some questions to ask. This is because some or most of the posts that I have were asked or answered by people that indicated that they were not sure what college, if any they would go to for various reasons, did not know what career(s) or major(s) to pick(some people double major or do something similar with careers), or both. My two questions are "If you are going to college and have an idea of what you will do to discover your major or career, what will you do to decide what career(s) or major(s) to pick?" and "If you already have a career(s) or major(s) in mind and have a plan for how to get there, how did you decide or choose it/them?" I am not looking for any particular answer, but if you plan on double majoring or doing something similar with careers, please explain why you decided to have multiple careers/majors.
What do you want to do when you graduate?
Getting asked this question every time I have a conversation with a family member really sucks. I always just stand there and think about how to respond to them. I'm scared to tell them that I don't know what i want to do. I don't know if i want to go into college or if I want to start finding a well paying job. I was offered to be a manager for a construction company with a really good pay. I was told that while they were training me I would most likely be making $14/hr and then when i started working as a manager i would start to get paid $30/hr. Getting a job offer with that type of pay has made it that much more difficult to decide if I want to go to school. I know I'm smart enough to get through college, but I also know that it is going to cost money especially after getting denied FAFSA. So should I go to school and spend money that i don't have and struggle for a while? Should I just take the job offer? Should I take the job and take night classes?
These deadlines.....
Oh how these deadlines are approaching us and I have not even started much yet. These first few day will consist of me typing away for hours working on my college apps and trying to get all my FAFSA application in order. Life in these past few weeks has been real stressful trying to keep all my grades high staying up late studying or working on assignments for hours at a time. Some days I ask myself what is there ahead of me in college? Well hopefully new adventures and opportunities lie ahead of my path that will be beneficial to my life. Moreover, I'd also like to know what colleges are willing to accept me I know community will definitely take me but can I make it into a university? My safe school if CSULB which was already a dream of mine to attend and since I have priority due to my housing location being very convenient.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
What do you guys want to do?
The title might have some of you thinking that this is going to be about long term life goals, which it can be, but really any plans you have can go here, no matter how short or long term, go ahead and talk about it.
How can I stop my procrastination habits before going to college!!!
Hello, I am assuming you are reading this because the topic may have caught your eyes, well let's get right to it! As you all may know, procrastination is a habit that affects us all, as you can tell from this post, I am quite the procrastinator myself. College is just around the corner for us all and you are trying to get rid this norm, others may not go to college and head straight into the work force, well no matter where you go, procrastination is ruthless. You may not realize it, but even the slightest "Eh, I'll do it later," can change things drastically, because anything can happen, from forgetting, to the printer not working. Well, I am here to show you my tips on how to prevent this horrible habit. Upon receiving a task, what I would first do is to burn it into your head, not literally, but to put what ever you were suppose to do as top priority. For those who forget things fast such as myself, I would recommend writing it onto your notebook the moment you receive the task, because once you have it down on a piece of paper you will remember what you were suppose to do. Now, once you get home and you clean your room or do the chores etc. You go straight start doing that task, doing this will have your mind set on that one thing you're suppose to do, and you will get hooked. But while you are doing that task, you have a higher chance of getting distracted if you are not fully concentrated on completing it. What I do to increase my concentration is reminding myself of the benefits that will affect me if I get work done early, such as telling myself "You will have time after your done to relax and not binge think right before going to bed." Usually doing the task the night before, can cause you stress, feeling rushed, and not get the job done right. Well completing the task beforehand will surely benefit you, and trust me, you will get the feeling of relief if you finish early. After that make sure you KEEP THE ROUTINE, do not just do it for one day, then the next day, you continue that bad habit, make sure you keep following that daily mindset, and surely it will become a positive habit in getting things done easier. That's my tips on preventing procrastination, hopefully you have learned something, and also if you have any other methods that you use yourself, feel free to comment it down below!
Try Not to Stress Out
November. The month of stress for seniors. Actually let me rephrase that. Not just November, but this whole year so far has been incredibly stressful for everyone. We seniors have to worry about college applications, scholarships, current grades, big projects, etc. All of this is super stressful, but you have to try to not to stress out. Stressing things out will only make yourself perform below the level you are typically at. I know that saying to not stress out is easier than actually doing so, but their are some ways to keep your mind at peace. For a day or so, try not to think about anything big that will further your stress. I know it may be hard, especially with many deadlines approaching, but it will take a load of stress of your mind. Also, try to structure your time in a fashion where you will get many breaks in between your work. Many of you have loads of work that you have to do everyday, and maybe taking little breaks in between will help you focus a little more. Another thing, maybe we can all help each other out with our stress. We all have access to this blog, so why not make use of it. Try venting your stress onto this blog. I am sure that our peers will do their best to support you. I hope that some of these tips will help you out throughout the year. Also if you have more tips, I would be delighted to discuss them.
I have a cat. Her name is Princess, and she's about 14 years old, but she's pretty healthy as long as I give her medication. For those of you who have spoken to me before, you know about her because I probably showed you every picture I have of her on my phone, in costume or otherwise. What can I say? I'm a cat lady. (She is trying to sit on my keyboard as I'm typing this.)
Anyway, she's my best friend. And because pets aren't allowed on pretty much every campus, this is something that can greatly influence my decision as to where I'm going to go. I think I mentioned somewhere that I want to go up north for college, around the Bay Area.
Even now I don't like the idea of leaving her alone all day when I go to school. And since I can't exactly take her with me to college in San Francisco, I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what I'm going to do.
I was thinking that I could maybe get a house or apartment up there, but it's ridiculously expensive.
I could leave her here with my parents, but they don't like her. At all. (Well, they like her enough to feed her.) I wouldn't get to see her every day. My mom said that she would pay for me to fly back on weekends but that's also ridiculously expensive.
Sometimes we leave Princess at the vet when we take short trips, or at my grandma's house, which is great because I know she's being taken care of. But I don't think they'd be willing to take her for that long. And I don't want her to be confined to a cage or Grandma's guest bedroom for that long.
What do you guys think? What are you going to do with your pets?
What do you guys think? What are you going to do with your pets?
Do I really want to pursue this career?
I had no idea what I wanted to do when I was a underclassman at high school. But at the beginning of the second semester of my junior year I decided that I want to become a computer engineer. My job goal eventually changed into being a computer programmer. I chose this career because, a) I like computers, b) I like working with computers, c) I enjoy creating things, and d) Technology is evolving ever so quickly, so there could be well paying jobs out there. I have been excruciatingly focused on becoming a computer programmer that I have not really explored other options, and am know getting second thoughts. "Will I really be happy having this job?" "Will I get bored sooner or later?" "Could I not enjoy it because I have not actually 'worked' at a programming job?" These are questions that are filling my brain as I start to think about what I really want in life. I enjoy playing video games and playing competitively, so should I play professionally? Or should I pursue music since I have a good ear in that area? I am at a gray spot where I do not know what to do with my life and it is secretly distressing me. What do you guys think I should do?
Nerve Raking Decision
Yesterday I got accepted into ASU. One of my dream schools, and although Im pretty excited its kinda nerve raking. People are asking me if thats where I wanna go and not knowing is stressing me out. I mean I know I have plenty of time to decide and Im still waiting for hopefullly more acceptance letters but the idea of having to make a decision is scary. Deciding what colleges to just apply to was already hard enough and in a couple months when I have to decide where Im going to go is going to be even harder. The fact that high school is so close to being over and I have to start making decsions for my future is crazy. But the amount of support and love Im getting for being accepted into ASU is great. My family is so proud and excited, I just hope I get more letters and figure out what I want.
Just Some Motivation
I'm not too entirely sure if it is just me, but so far I've been trying to keep myself caught up in my work and motivated. I know that many of us are stressing off over about college applications and what not, but I am very sure we'll get through it. It's crazy how the semester is flying by so fast and the next thing you know, we'll be graduating soon. Thanksgiving Break is approaching us very soon as well, so I hope everyone can find some sort of motivation and continue working on apps or projects that need to be done over the break. I know one of the toughest things to avoid is "senioritis," but I can assure you as long as you keep yourself on top of your stuff you can prevent it. Think of your success and what you can achieve, but most importantly don't slack off! Trust me I've suffered the hard way these past few years of high school by procrastinating to the max. The result? It comes back and bites you in the butt. My last piece of advice is to stay positive and as Dory says "just keep swimming!" :)
I have plans...I think?
So high school is coming to a close in the next couple of months and I've been getting letters from so many colleges telling me "Oh! Pick me" and "No! Pick me!". Well, I'm not picking any of them. At least, not yet. Earlier this year, many people have come up to me and asked, "So what college are you applying to? What's going to be your major?" I finally have an answer! It's community college. It feels liberating to finally have a next course of action post high school. I was stressing out about it because I felt like I was disappointing my family by not going to the most prestigious university the world has to offer. But that's not the case. Community college is a good alternative if you want to continue your schooling but you don't know what to do as a major and probably want to take it easy to figure yourself out. I have some family members who went to Cerritos Community College and then transfer to West Coast University and graduate as a Registered Nurse. Yes, it'll take a bit longer, but at least it's going at a slower pace so you, as a student and young adult, can figure out what your passions are and make the right decision on a major you want to go for without doubting yourself and wasting money in a university. Then again there is financial aid for others which is also a good option. So whatever floats your boat, I guess. But I'm happy there's community college. It may take a bit longer, but it's at a slower pace and it won't stress me out as much than going to a university with having no idea what I want to pursue as a career. I want to take my time to figure myself out before transferring to a university to follow my dreams.
What are your thoughts? Please, I want to know. Do you think community college is a good alternative? Would you have went to community if the school of your choice didn't accept you? Is it a good option if you don't know what to pursue in life?
What are your thoughts? Please, I want to know. Do you think community college is a good alternative? Would you have went to community if the school of your choice didn't accept you? Is it a good option if you don't know what to pursue in life?
Ahh! College!
This whole college thing is actually pretty scary to think about because applications are due at the end of the month and I can literally feel everyone's stress levels rising around me. The scary thing for me though is that I don't really feel stressed and just about all of my friends have their college lives just about planned already while I'm sitting here kind of relaxing. Not that I don't have an idea of what I want to achieve, because I do. It's just leaving some of the people that I care about. Some people don't talk to each other after high school and I don't want that. I want to keep in touch with the friends I made in high school. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I'm afraid of college splitting up some of the friendships I have. I just want to make senior year the best and hopefully not lose contact with friends.
- So, where are you guys planning on going to college?
- So, where are you guys planning on going to college?
It's Hard to Choose
With college applications due at the end of the month, it's important to know what you want to major in. But what if you really don't know what you want?
Growing up, I found that I was always interested in music. I took piano lessons for four years, then started voice lessons, then picked up a guitar and ukulele. I've been singing in a choir for the past seven years and I love being able to sing with others. I love rocking out to heavy metal, but I also love relaxing to acoustic guitar. And who doesn't like listening to music? Without music, I wouldn't have thought of joining show choir in the first place. Being in show choir has made me more comfortable in putting myself out there.
Anyone who knows me knows I love Sign Language. I love being able to express myself with facial expressions, body language, and my own hands without ever using my voice. Signing is a silent language. I always feel uncomfortable around people I don't know very well and when I start talking, I start rambling and I feel worse about how awkward I was. But with signing, it's completely different. It feels like I'm bringing my words to life. I feel less awkward and apart when I get to sign and I love having that form of communication. Not to mention it also helps the deaf and hard-of-hearing who rely on the visual instead of the auditory.
I love singing, playing guitar, performing, and musical expression. I love learning and immersing myself in a new language that I might be able to use to help others. Harmonic and silent communication are both a part of me. They're complete opposites and I'm struggling to choose which one I want to pursue. Have you ever had to make a decision that could potentially change your life? How did you choose?
Growing up, I found that I was always interested in music. I took piano lessons for four years, then started voice lessons, then picked up a guitar and ukulele. I've been singing in a choir for the past seven years and I love being able to sing with others. I love rocking out to heavy metal, but I also love relaxing to acoustic guitar. And who doesn't like listening to music? Without music, I wouldn't have thought of joining show choir in the first place. Being in show choir has made me more comfortable in putting myself out there.
Anyone who knows me knows I love Sign Language. I love being able to express myself with facial expressions, body language, and my own hands without ever using my voice. Signing is a silent language. I always feel uncomfortable around people I don't know very well and when I start talking, I start rambling and I feel worse about how awkward I was. But with signing, it's completely different. It feels like I'm bringing my words to life. I feel less awkward and apart when I get to sign and I love having that form of communication. Not to mention it also helps the deaf and hard-of-hearing who rely on the visual instead of the auditory.
I love singing, playing guitar, performing, and musical expression. I love learning and immersing myself in a new language that I might be able to use to help others. Harmonic and silent communication are both a part of me. They're complete opposites and I'm struggling to choose which one I want to pursue. Have you ever had to make a decision that could potentially change your life? How did you choose?
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
There are probably a lot of things happening right now in your senior year. Applications, scholarships, grades, projects, etc. If you feel stressed, you would probably get nothing done, which will stress you out even more, which will get even more things undone. It is a horrible cycle in which we all struggle with. So here is a simple word that I believe is the key to not only a less stressful viewpoint, but maybe even better health and a better mindset: Relax. I know it sounds very simple and silly and you will think that it would be a waste of your time, but try it. It will only take 30 seconds of your time away. That is the equivalent of washing your hands with soap. You can relax with dirty hands, can't you? I promise you won't die. You can do it right here, right now as you read this post! Isn't that exciting???
How to relax:
- Make sure your surroundings are quiet. (If not, put some headphones on with some relaxing music.)
- Close your eyes.
- Think about things that give you happiness. Make sure it is something that makes you truly happy. (If you cannot decide if it makes you happy or not, that just gives you something more to think about, which is currently the goal here.)
- Take deep breaths in and out.
- Open your eyes when you are ready to continue life.
If you think you can relax for two minutes (wow, what a long length of time right?), then here is a nice challenge for you: clickity-click right here
Planning My Life
I've been thinking about my plans after high school. Nothing is certain and most of the time we end up doing things differently than what's expected, but I felt the need to share out my ideas and current thoughts on what to do after Mayfair. Plus, it'll be a good way for me to gain perspective.
(I'm only going to talk about my plans career-wise. Not going into detail about family or relations in that aspect.)
To start off, I will attend college/university. I think that it's a great way to find out what actually interest you and to network with people within your field. Most likely I'll study towards a business major with a minor in photography. Although I am interested in creative paths, I reason that my time in college would be better spent focusing on a career that requires a degree than most creative jobs which do not. Often times artist are self-taught and the path is different for every creator. There is no formality to it, whereas to be an engineer, you must have a degree.
(I'm only going to talk about my plans career-wise. Not going into detail about family or relations in that aspect.)
To start off, I will attend college/university. I think that it's a great way to find out what actually interest you and to network with people within your field. Most likely I'll study towards a business major with a minor in photography. Although I am interested in creative paths, I reason that my time in college would be better spent focusing on a career that requires a degree than most creative jobs which do not. Often times artist are self-taught and the path is different for every creator. There is no formality to it, whereas to be an engineer, you must have a degree.
Now, my plans during college are somewhat clear as I've spent time upon it being a senior, but as far as after college, it's rather ambiguous. There are many possibilities I would like to embark upon. To say right now, I see myself becoming a photojournalist as a balance between job and creativity. I would also like to pursue business relations and start my own company. Real estate also looks interesting as well as investing into stocks. Hopefully, I could take-on all of these challenges within my lifetime.
I would also want to teach or simply spread my knowledge later in life. I believe that this is essential in life and an important aspect in shaping the community. I hope to share this by becoming a teacher/professor, writing a book, giving talks, or by blogging my experience.😉
I know this is heavy for a student to plan out their life like this but I'd like to know: What are your plans going be like after high school? Do you guys have any goals that you'd want to pursue?
I would also want to teach or simply spread my knowledge later in life. I believe that this is essential in life and an important aspect in shaping the community. I hope to share this by becoming a teacher/professor, writing a book, giving talks, or by blogging my experience.😉
I know this is heavy for a student to plan out their life like this but I'd like to know: What are your plans going be like after high school? Do you guys have any goals that you'd want to pursue?
Give thanks! :)
I have enjoyed my six year experience here at Mayfair, but it would not have been the same without all of the wonderful students I've met. I have always been able to make friends easily(something I'm very thankful for);on the other hand, it continues to astound me that if you do something as simple as extending your kindness to a stranger(perhaps a classmate you've never spoken to but have seen everyday), you can meet an amazing person. Mayfair is filled with so many intelligent, kind students, and I am proud to have met many of them as they have become good friends of mine. Although they may not know, I am grateful for each and every one of them and the unique impact they have had on my life-big or small. Giving others a chance and not passing judgment before you meet someone is a great quality to have. Likewise, many times the person you least expect to have a connection with can become one of the greatest people you meet. In conclusion, I encourage all of you to take the time out your hectic high school lives to look at the people around you every once in a while and think about everyone you have had the pleasure of meeting, and cherish the value they have added to your life.
College Requires Dedication
College requires a lot more attention and dedication than we’re all used to in High School. I noticed this when my sister went to college and had to push herself to be successful, when, in High School, getting good grades was easy. This concerns me because throughout high school, my constant thought is “what is the least amount of work that I can do to still get a good grade on this assignment” and I know in college, this mindset won’t help me at all. The thing I am most concerned about is how I am going to best keep up with my classwork and juggle other responsibilities. I’m definitely going to have to change how I look at assignments and school itself because college is a whole different game that requires hard work and dedication. Have you thought about how you are going to continue to be a good student in college? Are you concerned that the effort you put into work in High School won’t get you very far in college? How are you going to improve your mindset?
Pre-College Thoughts
With the college application deadline closely coming down on us seniors, I can't help but have a million thoughts and questions run through my mind all at once.
I'm sure for many of us one of our biggest questions is "How will I get comfortable transitioning into this new stage of my life?" I believe that though initially it does seem very taunting and scary, we can all adjust to our new surroundings. When we first began high school many of us felt the same way about having to transition into a different mindset from middle school but with our hard work and dedication we were able to get through it. We face the same situation yet again as we enter college, but if we try hard, and allow ourselves to have a good college experience, it won't be hard to get comfortable.
Another question I've thought about is "How will I be able to get used to not seeing the same faces I've seen around campus for four years?" Although I'm not exactly friends with each individual here at school, there is a sense of comfort when seeing familiar faces walk across the wings getting to their next class. Thinking about this question also makes my mind wander to the thought of losing touch with majority of my friends while I'm away. Looking at the contacts on my phone I realize that in a year or two I may only be communicating with a small handful of the people in it and old names replaced with new friends. So I then ask you all, how do you think it'll be when we no longer walk through Mayfair's campus but rather our colleges campus and see completely unfamiliar faces?
I'm sure for many of us one of our biggest questions is "How will I get comfortable transitioning into this new stage of my life?" I believe that though initially it does seem very taunting and scary, we can all adjust to our new surroundings. When we first began high school many of us felt the same way about having to transition into a different mindset from middle school but with our hard work and dedication we were able to get through it. We face the same situation yet again as we enter college, but if we try hard, and allow ourselves to have a good college experience, it won't be hard to get comfortable.
Another question I've thought about is "How will I be able to get used to not seeing the same faces I've seen around campus for four years?" Although I'm not exactly friends with each individual here at school, there is a sense of comfort when seeing familiar faces walk across the wings getting to their next class. Thinking about this question also makes my mind wander to the thought of losing touch with majority of my friends while I'm away. Looking at the contacts on my phone I realize that in a year or two I may only be communicating with a small handful of the people in it and old names replaced with new friends. So I then ask you all, how do you think it'll be when we no longer walk through Mayfair's campus but rather our colleges campus and see completely unfamiliar faces?
growing up
Recently a lot of things have been happening that are making me realize actually how much I've grown. My 17th birthday just passed, I turned in all of my college applications, and I'm learning how to drive! It's insane how time flies and that in 211 days, our time at Mayfair will come to an end. Everything we all knew and everything that we've grown so accustomed to will be stripped from us. We're going to have to grow accustomed to our new lives after high school and it's honestly scary to think about. The people we're so used to seeing every single day aren't going to be apart of our day to day lives anymore! My question to you is, have you done anything recently that has made you realize how much you've grown as a person? Has the realization that your growing up hit you yet?
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Deadlines With No Motivation
Most of our college deadlines are slowly approaching, whether it's the common app, cal state, or UC applications. But although the deadlines are coming up, I seem to be at a stage where I just can't get it done! I have no motivation, and no time. I have a feeling that this may be a slight taste of what senioritis is like!
Although I am slowly taking baby steps each day to get my applications done and turn them in on time, I am so grateful that we have this next week off for thanksgiving break. Although it is a 'break', most of us senior will simply just be catching up on our application processes and finalizing them.
My plan is to get them all submitted by the 26th! But I know there are many people that will just wait for the 30th, the last day, to submit them.
My question is: Does anybody else feel the deadline getting closer and closer, but have no motivation? Is it senioritis? Or just simply procrastination? Do we all plan to use next week as a week of catch up? Do you have a deadline for yourself to submit your applications?
Although I am slowly taking baby steps each day to get my applications done and turn them in on time, I am so grateful that we have this next week off for thanksgiving break. Although it is a 'break', most of us senior will simply just be catching up on our application processes and finalizing them.
My plan is to get them all submitted by the 26th! But I know there are many people that will just wait for the 30th, the last day, to submit them.
My question is: Does anybody else feel the deadline getting closer and closer, but have no motivation? Is it senioritis? Or just simply procrastination? Do we all plan to use next week as a week of catch up? Do you have a deadline for yourself to submit your applications?
Studying Abroad
So far every campus I have visited has mentioned the topic of studying abroad. They say it is a great way to meet new people, experience different cultures, explore new interests, and become independent. Personally, it is fascinating to me, but I am not the kind of person to step out of my comfort zone. I guess that is why I am considering studying abroad in the future. Being an apprehensive person, I often think about how I will grow as a person because it is sometimes difficult to try new things. I looked up some of the pros and cons that come with studying abroad to see if it was worth experiencing. The pros included more study opportunities, adapting to new ways of living, developing independent skills, and learning valuable life lessons. On the other hand, some of the cons included homesickness, expenses, inability to communicate, culture shock, and the possibility of falling behind on studies.
My questions for you are: Would you like to study abroad? If so, where would you like to go? What do you think about the pros and cons for studying abroad? Do you agree or disagree?
My questions for you are: Would you like to study abroad? If so, where would you like to go? What do you think about the pros and cons for studying abroad? Do you agree or disagree?
Monday, November 14, 2016
Too Much Pressure.
So I have no idea how many of you will be able to relate to my question - but it's an inquiry that restlessly bounces around in my mind, especially as of late.
Being part of the first generation in my family to be born in the United States, I feel that expectations for me are high to go into college. The members on my mom's side of the family have not attended college and that is mainly due to the fact that they have spent their lives working hard in farms in Mexico. However, thanks to my mom's sacrifices, I've been given the amazing opportunity to be born and raised in one of the most educated countries in the world (although the election results really make me second guess that statement). Since elementary school, I've always felt I should be trying my hardest and I certainly want to make my mother proud and have the chance to pay her back for everything she's done for me. The answer to this for me, has always been "college". I've had the image of college branded into my plans for the future so that there would be no way of erasing the thought, however, admittedly, I am having second thoughts. I certainly desire to please my family and have a successful future, but I feel that I have led them to have high expectations for me that I might fail and the thought of disappointing them is not something I look forward to.
So my question to you is this: Does your family influence your choice to go to college?
Being part of the first generation in my family to be born in the United States, I feel that expectations for me are high to go into college. The members on my mom's side of the family have not attended college and that is mainly due to the fact that they have spent their lives working hard in farms in Mexico. However, thanks to my mom's sacrifices, I've been given the amazing opportunity to be born and raised in one of the most educated countries in the world (although the election results really make me second guess that statement). Since elementary school, I've always felt I should be trying my hardest and I certainly want to make my mother proud and have the chance to pay her back for everything she's done for me. The answer to this for me, has always been "college". I've had the image of college branded into my plans for the future so that there would be no way of erasing the thought, however, admittedly, I am having second thoughts. I certainly desire to please my family and have a successful future, but I feel that I have led them to have high expectations for me that I might fail and the thought of disappointing them is not something I look forward to.
So my question to you is this: Does your family influence your choice to go to college?
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
I don't know
The two most frequently asked questions that I get about college and life after high school are "Where are you going?" and "What do you want to pursue as a career?" And, honestly, the answer to both of those questions is I don't know.
I have two colleges that are looking at me right now for their soccer programs, and both are amazing options. I can see myself on both of those campuses and being a part of both teams. Everyone at both schools was so welcoming when I went on campus visits and really made me feel like I belonged there. If I get into both schools, I don't know what I'm going to do.
There are so many different career paths that appeal to me. Part of me wants to do something with teaching, but I could also see myself in sports medicine. I know that I'm not the first person to not know what I want to do, but this uncertainty is starting to stress me out. These decisions that I'm going to make in these next couple of months are going to be life changing, and I want to make sure that I do the right thing.
I'd like to know if you're in the "I don't know" boat or you're someone who knows exactly what they want to do post high school. Thanks for reading!
I have two colleges that are looking at me right now for their soccer programs, and both are amazing options. I can see myself on both of those campuses and being a part of both teams. Everyone at both schools was so welcoming when I went on campus visits and really made me feel like I belonged there. If I get into both schools, I don't know what I'm going to do.
There are so many different career paths that appeal to me. Part of me wants to do something with teaching, but I could also see myself in sports medicine. I know that I'm not the first person to not know what I want to do, but this uncertainty is starting to stress me out. These decisions that I'm going to make in these next couple of months are going to be life changing, and I want to make sure that I do the right thing.
I'd like to know if you're in the "I don't know" boat or you're someone who knows exactly what they want to do post high school. Thanks for reading!
Monday, November 7, 2016
We'd like you to vote!
This survey was created by Mr. Mike Headley, who will close it at 8pm on Tuesday, November 8. The survey asks you to vote for the national and state offices, and all the ballot propositions. He will let us know how the Mayfair community voted on Wednesday.
Access the survey here.
Information on the candidates and ballot propositions can be found here:
Access the survey here.
Information on the candidates and ballot propositions can be found here:
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Being a Senior
My greatest fear is losing my way in my path of success.
Thinking back to the beginning year of my freshman year, college seemed so far from us. Yet, here I am as a senior about to apply to college. I still haven't felt any different from last year, but a lot has changed around me. Emotions, questions, deadlines, stress, built up thoughts, or worries seem to all spill out as senior year rolls around. My senior friends last year who went through the process before me struggled with balancing time between school work and preparing for their future. With so much on our hands, it seems impossible to meet up to expectations of parents and peers. Time is endless, but it seems so short; so much of our adolescence was spent into school. I believe it’s really hard for us as students to meet up to expectations when we are simply not prepared enough. Being a senior has pushed so much standards to keep up to, such as being an example, being mature, responsible, smart, "growing up" in general. It’s scary enough to think about having to fend for ourselves in the field of competitive jobs and "real world". Its ironic to say after high school is the real world, thats like saying we've been living in a lie this whole time. A few concerns I have are about going into college and after you graduate college. “ Do you think high school has prepared you for college as of right now?” Also, “What are your thoughts on meeting up to standards and expectations of others? (Such as your parents)” "What do you guys suggest in keeping motivation throughout college and further in life?”
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Starting Off on the Right Foot
Senior Seminar was a great experience, and I am so glad that we had the chance to bring our class together. We started off on the right foot! Although, from previous school years, they have always had senior seminar earlier on in the year. I felt we had it a little late, but meeting so many new people has honesty already been a highlight of my year. (By the way, how did the speaker keep pouring out water??) Although, we are starting the month of November, the month where college applications are due, fafsa, and scholarships. Pretty much a month full of stress, stress, and more stress. It also seems hard trying to balance all that with homework on top of it! I hope we all can make it through this month together! After all, we only have 3/4 of a school year left to finish high school!
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